

Leipzig, Germany

M3dra is the forest psychedelic trance music project of Fabian Helmchen aka Fabs.

Born in Leizpzig, Germany, Fabs was drawn into music and art at a young age and started making music under his alias M3dra.

Below are some of 'M3dra tales' - hope you enjoy the ride...

Loophole Converter (Acousma - Gylfaginning Records, 2020)

Teleportation Machine (Yggdrabits - Yggdrasil Records, 2019)

The Lodge (Misty Grove - Dopedeer Records, 2014)

Pure High (Sonic Visions - Sonic Chakra Records / Real Vision Music, 2012)

Synthetic Flux (More than Real - Real Vision Music, 2009)

©12023 - Muimina Sounds